Editing your product photos

Editing your product photos

Photo editing is the last step before publishing your products in your shop! Remember that although you can use all possible photo editing functions, bad photos will always be bad photos, no matter how good you are. However, photos can be really improved with some color corrections, brightness and contrast improvements.

Fundamentals of product photography

Fundamentals of product photography

The images on your product pages are there to highlight the value and benefits of your products. When your clients visit your online shop, they can't touch your products. The pictures you provide are the only elements your clients will be able to visually relate to when making their choice.

The power of visuals

The power of visuals

As you can imagine, to present your product well, the way you illustrate your product page is crucial. In the case of an online store, your clients won’t have access to all their senses to judge your product. They won't be able to touch it or smell it. The only sense that will be solicited is of course the sight.