A misconception?

If you're thinking about charging for your native app on the app stores, you need to answer this question: what value does my app bring to my users? 
If your app offers something to users that they can't get anywhere else for free in the app store, then you can consider charging for the download. 

To recap, we advise you to consider this solution only if you already have

  • Loyal users base: this could be the case for some magazines, newspapers or even specialized blogs. This could also include scientific journals and publications. 
  •  Content that meets a real need that hasn't been addressed yet and cannot be easily replaced. For example, exam preparation apps.

You should be aware that a paid app will probably have a lower number of downloads, so this solution may not be suitable for your project. When you’ve made your decision, it may also be interesting to go to the stores to analyze the strategies adopted by your competitors.

Do you want our opinion?

For us, the economic model of paid apps remains precarious. Apart from games and some apps reserved for a particular niche audience (preparation for an exam for example), making your app available for a fee on the store can be risky. As for offering your app for sale for a modest sum, 1 or 2 €, it’s easy to imagine that you’ll need a considerable number of downloads to break even. 
Now it's up to you to decide if your app will be a paid app or a free app on the stores!