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“You will also like” type of products

This is another cross-selling strategy that aims to anticipate your clients' desires. The idea here is to present them with items that have characteristics in common with the main product. 

Still within the framework of our décor store, we’ll present characteristics that can be taken into account such as the color of the object, the material, the style, or even your collections. Again, it all depends on what you’re selling, and here it's your expertise that will be valued. You know what you’re selling and you know how to advise your clients. Here it's the same thing. What would you advise them if they were in front of you?

To come back to our example, let's imagine that our client is on the product page of a set of terracotta dishes. We would suggest other terracotta items in the same price range that we think they might like. 
For us, the main asset of this dinnerware set is the material it is made of, which is very trendy at the moment. So we decided to rely on this feature to offer them products that could complete their cart.

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