Offline payments

Did you know that it’s also possible to accept payments outside your app? In the context of local delivery, you facilitate the shopping experience of your clients by allowing them to pay outside the app. 

Why allow payments outside the app?

To reach a wider audience
You may not be aware of it, but not everyone feels completely comfortable giving out their credit card information online yet and might therefore refrain from purchasing products on your app. By accepting offline payments you allow them to order your products, and pay you in person upon delivery or at the time of store pickup.

Boost your sales
Off-app payment is easy to use and understand. Some people still struggle with the online payment method. By offering an offline mode, you will increase your sales.

Do not depend on any payment gateway
You can easily have an online presence and offer your customers to buy your products online without having to create a Stripe or PayPal account. Payments are direct, with no additional fees.

GoodBarber allows you to offer offline payments to your clients. Once the option is activated, you’ll allow your clients to validate their order without making payments, and to pay their invoice later, at the time of the reception or the pick-upl of their order for example.