What is a collection?

Collections are the major elements of your shop. They allow you to structure your Shopping App and organize your products. If your Shopping App was a physical store, the collections would be the shelves of this store.

A collection can be permanent or temporary, meaning that you can add or remove a collection from your app at any time, make it visible or invisible, and this with one click. They can also be transversal: a product can belong to several collections at the same time. 

Take the time to think about the organization of your shop and your products when creating your collections, to offer the best experience to your clients, and to enhance your products as much as possible.

In the context of our decoration store, we’ve created several collections to optimize our potential clients' searches. 
Indeed, we consider that within the framework of purchase of object of decoration, our clients could want to consult our products according to various axes:

  • the rooms concerned by these objects
  • the type of objects
  • the current trends

We’ve therefore created the following collections:

For the search by rooms:

  • Bedroom
  • Bathroom
  • Kitchen

For the search by type of object:

  • Frames
  • Vases
  • Pillows

To search by trend:

  • Big in Japan
  • Keep it Slow
  • Words matter

As you can see, our products are each part of several collections. So we increase the chances of being seen by our potential clients. Also, we increase the chances for our clients to find the item that will perfectly fulfill their needs. It's a win-win situation.

Finally, a Sales collection allows us to group all the products on sale in our store. This collection is scalable, and can be hidden during off-sale periods.