Advertising network or personalized ads

You have the possibility to activate advertising in your app. This is a great way to monetize your app and generate revenue. You can establish different strategies for displaying ads in your app. But before that, let's have a look at the different possibilities. 
To generate advertising revenue with an app, you have two solutions: connecting external advertising agencies or the distribution of your own ads. The two strategies can of course complement each other. 

Integrate an ad network in your app

External advertising networks allow you to display ads in your app thanks to a third party. Basically, you sell your advertising spaces to an advertising network that takes care of feeding your app with ads. Depending on the service and the settings you select, you can more or less define the contextual display of the ads. To avoid having empty ad space, you might be tempted to widen your criteria, but pay attention to the relevance. Remember that a well-targeted campaign, even if its scope is small, generally provides a better return on investment than a massive, unqualified display. 

Our interface allows you to further optimize your advertising space: to make your app as profitable as possible, with GoodBarber, you can choose several advertising networks and rank them by order of importance. This way, if the first ad network has no ads to offer, the second one takes over, and so on.
Concerning the profitability of the advertising networks, it depends on the traffic and the network that the users use. That's why GoodBarber gives you the possibility to change the advertising network as you wish. Don't hesitate to try them out to find out which one will bring in the most money.

Create your own ads

If you prefer to have control over your advertising strategy from A to Z, opt instead for our internal Ad server and deliver your own ads: you can set them up directly from your back office and track the performance of your campaigns.

Internal ads are an excellent way to promote your partnerships for example. In fact, it's exactly the same principle as for advertising agencies, except that you can sell your advertising spaces yourself and therefore negotiate your remuneration with your partners. It’s a good way to better choose the advertising content that is displayed to your users and make sure that your ads are consistent with your editorial line, to capture the attention of your readers and get valuable clicks on your banners.